Maikii, from Usb to Okr

Maikii, from Usb to Okr

A pioneer of customisation on portable synthetic memories, the Veneto-based company has always been prepared for technological innovations. Never losing sight of the well-being of people and the environment

In the midst of the financial crisis in 2008, Matteo Fabbrini and Francesco Poloniato fearlessly launched their company, Maikii. The two founders cleverly tapped into the prevailing sentiment of the era. During that period, there was a rising demand for personalised tech accessories, specifically USB sticks, which were viewed as an innovative means for companies to handle corporate communication. Maikii quickly harnessed the power of portable memories, an essential tool for work and an ideal canvas for slogans or logos. These became perfect giveaways at trade shows and thoughtful gifts for customers, suppliers, and employees alike.


Maikii's management honed their efficiency by embarking on several trips to China, meticulously choosing reliable suppliers and seeking out the most innovative and technologically advanced models available. The results were not long in coming: a decade later, the company was expanding from its headquarters in Treviso into a production and logistics system encompassing China, Hong Kong and the West Coast of the United States. Refusing to be complacent, Maikii has invested heavily in new product research, building on its 20 million euro turnover in 2015. As a result, Maikii has created an extensive range of products ranging from wireless chargers and wireless earphones with Tws technology to waterproof Tpu lifestyle products under the Elements brand, the first brand completely designed and created by Maikii. All this is accompanied by a 100% customisation service, through which Maikii can create any shape and adapt it to any product.


It is a fast-paced world, and technology perhaps moves even faster, sometimes forgetting the environment and the people that it is meant to serve. Maikii takes great care to sidestep this risk by aligning its practices with sustainability. One demonstration of this dedication is the adoption of the Okr (Objectives and Key Results) strategic planning approach by the company and its team. “At Maikii”, explains Vanessa Vidali, the HR manager, “sustainability is fundamental in our decision-making. The Okr method introduction ensures clear, measurable goals, driving us to become a more responsible and co-creative company. Following ESG guidelines, we identify priorities and strategies to achieve our primary aim: to be a sustainable and positive company in the long run”. Time flexibility for employees and corporate welfare and training programmes are among the best practices of this approach. “Each employee”, Vidali highlights, “is allocated an annual budget of 1,000 euro for courses, certifications, or training webinars of their preference. We've forged partnerships with various established and emerging firms to provide beneficial prospects for our team members. A few years back, we established a partnership with a platform enabling employees to use their company bonus for goods and services from local businesses, contributing to the circular economy and backing the local community”.