
The PTE Tech area dedicated to customisation machines and services offers, as usual, many novelties. Some will be featured in the PTE Lab area, where expert will deliver training workshops in technologies and techniques
Customisation fans will certainly not be disappointed with PTE, considering the number of innovative solutions the market is going to introduce. As regards digital printers, Offitek will introduce the new Compress UV-1200 during the trade fair, a machine that offers a large printing area (1137 x 750 mm, with a height of up to 300 mm) and twin UV led lamps enabling bi-directional printing, for a double execution speed. In addition, the new DTG Digital Q1 Hybrid will be seen at work at Offitek's stand, a machine that shows how one can easily pass from DTG to DTF printing technology.
In the field of sewing machines, the 50+ years of experience of the company Gnoato Lino have been condensed into the latest generation of embroidery tools: technology and performance are also masters in this area, as shown by the Brother PR1055X model, a creative concentrate of power and speed, capable of embroidering on all fabrics and on particular accessories such as shoes, socks or belts. Thanks to a built-in camera, positioning items on a background is no longer a problem even in the most difficult points and creativity can be expanded using the function that excludes one or more colours from the embroidery. Efficiency is guaranteed by 10-needle speed, automatic threading and colour sequence optimisation. What’s more, optional accessories are available, such as the flat brim hat frame and the tubular stand that facilitates work on large projects.
As to screen-printing, Market Screentypographic will present a preview of large-size frame engraving with a useful print size of 457x759 mm, a result that can be achieved with Goccopro (distributed by Market Screentypographic at national level), a system that produces screen-printing frames in real time, with photography-grade quality and no graphic limits. This process drastically reduces costs and processing times, eliminating laborious frame preparation with the use of films, chemicals, etching processes, water and purifiers. Another novelty will be the introduction of the single plane to perform direct screen-printing, 3D seritransfer and MyTex application with metallic effect on the same substrate. Finally, an innovative DST application will offer a combined colour laser printing and digital frame screen-printing system.
While techniques and machines play a central role in achieving a quality customised product, one must not forget the importance of the materials that support the print, such as inks, which also continue to evolve. A company with a vast knowledge in this field is Mediaink, a researcher and distributor of water-based, eco-solvent and UV digital printing products and solutions. To offer a concrete demonstration of how textile printing can be customised by applying the DTF printing process to polyester, cotton, silk or synthetic fibres such as rayon or terrycloth, Mediaink will bring the PrintJet 600DTF machine to PTE. Tribus inks will be the protagonists, known above all for their effectiveness in bringing out the most delicate colour tones on both light and dark fabrics, also thanks to a special white that ensures adequate density for printed colours, with optimal ink consumption.